David was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania November 4, 1972. He is married with 2 daughters.

He is the son of Sumner J. Ferris, who was a Chaucer scholar and professor at California University of Pennsylvania. He was named after his great uncle, David Theodore Moran. Ferris was unaware when he joined, but later learned Moran was a Brother of Massachusetts’ Union Lodge. (Born April 27, 1913. Initiated February 8, 1955. Passed March 8, 1955. Raised April 12, 1955. Deceased June 29, 1985.)

Ferris grew up in California, PA, a small college town south of Pittsburgh. His father was born and raised in South Boston, Massachusetts. The Moran bloodline of his family hails from County Mayo, Ireland. The Ferris bloodline traces to County Tyrone, Ireland.

WM Ferris long harbored a positive opinion of the fraternity. While attending California University of Pennsylvania, he joined the collegiate fraternity Phi Kappa Theta. Established in 1889, its members include President John F. Kennedy. After college, Ferris became aware of the Masonic fraternity. He long planned to become a member one day, when he had settled down.

The Ferris family moved to Akron, Ohio in 2002, in pursuit of work. They moved to Bath, Ohio in 2003. His wife teaches French at Chippewa High School in Doylestown.

Ferris works as a journalist, writer, publisher, and educator. In college, he interned for the Department of Defense’s 50th Anniversary of World War II Commemoration Committee. He made a name as an entertainment writer and successful transitioned into news reporting. He has worked for leading national magazines and regional newspapers including Rolling Stone, Alternative Press, and Cleveland Scene.

His distinctions include the Ohio Society of Professional Journalists’ Best Reporter of the Year Award for 2011. He has written four books, including “The Successful Lodge: Best Practices in Freemasonry,” which he co-produced with Past Grand Master James F. Easterling Jr. 

He teaches at the University of Akron. He runs his own small business, the publishing company 6623 Press. Ferris is a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo. He enjoys art, literature, and music. He finds Tom Tykwer’s “Cloud Atlas” score remarkable and moving. Cormac McCarthy’s novel “Blood Meridian” is one of his favorite books. He thinks “Moby Dick,” while not overrated, is mostly dull — though it has some stunning passages that make the rest worthwhile.

Brother Ferris is a member of the Valley of Akron, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. He serves as editor of the Rite Lite newsletter. The Akron Valley was one of two comparable bodies to win Northern Masonic Jurisdiction’s Outstanding Newsletter award. Ferris’ favorite aspect of Lodge is ritual. He enjoys memorizing and delivering lectures and charges.

“A Lodge requires good ritual and good communication,” offers Ferris. “Do the work right. Tell people what they need to know, well in advance. Write it all down. Then remind the Brethren. Make a plan. Communicate the plan. Adapt as necessary. And when you deliver your lines, speak slowly, speak loudly, and pause often. Do try to finish as quickly as possible; instead, focus on communicating the message to the Brethren — and, most importantly, the candidate.”

“I joined Meridian Sun Lodge as a stranger to these parts, in search of community,” says Ferris. “And I found it.”