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Meridian Sun was visited by Ohio House Representative Bill Roemer, who presented Worshipful Master Chris Titus with a signed copy of Ohio HR Number 344 honoring Meridian Sun achieving its bicentennial.

The text of House Resolution Number 344 as adopted by the house is as follows:

135th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. R. No. 344

Representative Roemer



Honoring Meridian Sun Lodge 69 of the Free and Accepted Masons
                         on its Bicentennial.

     WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives of the 135th
General Assembly of Ohio are pleased to pay tribute to Meridian Sun
Lodge 69 of the Free and Accepted Masons as it celebrates its Two
Hundredth Anniversary; and    
    WHEREAS, This is, indeed, an important occasion, and it provides
an ideal time to acknowledge the exceptional work done by Meridian Sun
Lodge 69 of the Free and Accepted Masons. Since its inception, the
group has engaged in an array of worthwhile activities and charitable
projects, and its impressive contributions to the Richfield community
readily explain why it is so widely held in high esteem; and
    WHEREAS, All those associated with Meridian Sun Lodge 69 of the
Free and Accepted Masons, past and present, are to be commended for
their foresight, dedication, and selfless donations of time, energy,
and ability far beyond what was required or expected. These fine
people have earned the respect and admiration of many and have set an
example of concerned and responsible citizenship worthy of emulation; 
    WHEREAS, Founded on the highest ideals of brotherhood and service,
Meridian Sun Lodge 69 of the Free and Accepted Masons was chartered on
January 14, 1824, becoming the first of its kind in Summit County, and
it has distinguished itself by its commitment to excellence.
Throughout its history, it has maintained a reputation for integrity,
reliability, and devotion, and its charitable efforts are deserving of
the highest praise; therefore be it
    RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of Representatives of
the 135th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution,
congratulate Meridian Sun Lodge 69 of the Free and Accepted Masons on
its Two Hundredth Anniversary and salute its members as outstanding
Ohioans; and be it further
    RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit
a duly authenticated copy of this Resolution to Meridian Sun Lodge 69
of the Free and Accepted Masons.